Béchard + Hudon — Oscillations du quotidien I / Daily Waverings I
Béchard + Hudon is an artistic duo mixing arts into an interesting reflection on objects, sounds and movement. Oscillations du quotidien I / Daily Waverings I is a kinetic sound installation made of acrylic triangles, fiber glass, wood, metal, stepper…
Field by Martin Messier, Sound Performance Based on Residual Electromagnetic Signals
FIELD is a new work by Canadian artist Martin Messier, previously known for his intricate audiovisual machines, unique installations and intense performances. This new work is based on the idea of creating sounds out from residual electric signals, using electromagnetic transducer microphones to pick up…
Ryoichi Kurokawa – Unfold
Science is not art and art is not science, but both can dialogue, and giving nowadays possibilities around technologies –not just in terms of the production and instrumentation, but also in the sense of consciousness and the exploration of new…
frequencies (a / continuum)
“Seven electromagnetically driven tuning forks activated by a custom keyboard/controller turning each frequencies on and off. The project is a poeticized perpective of the technical device created in the late 19th century by physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) who created…
infinite grain 14: france jobin
[infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] Above all, she is a listener, not just attentive to sound but…
new by alva noto