
  • Sound Ecologies & Ways of Listening

    Sound Ecologies & Ways of Listening

    The Institute for Postnatural Studies has a wonderful new seminar coming soon called Sound Ecologies and Ways of Listening, coordinated by co-founder Yuri Tuma and special guest Natasha Thembiso Ruwona. It’s a virtual seminar consisting of 6 sessions to happen…

  • Listening to the In-Between

    Listening to the In-Between

    ArtEZ studium generale is launching a new three-part podcast series called Listening to the In-Between, dedicated to the broad context of Deep Listening, following Sounding Places, Listening Places, a podcast series they did last year, dedicated to explore how sound…

  • What Sounds Do – Open Call for Papers

    What Sounds Do – Open Call for Papers

    Inspired by the conference WHAT SOUNDS DO which took place September13-16, 2022 in Copenhagen, Seismograf Magazine is opening a call for audio and research papers on the topic, for a new special issue that points to “new directions in an…

  • Quantum Listening, Pauline Oliveros’ Manifesto for Listening as Activism

    Quantum Listening, Pauline Oliveros’ Manifesto for Listening as Activism

    Ignota has published Pauline Oliveros’ Quantum Listening manifesto, with introduction by IONE, foreword by Laurie Anderson and illustrations by Aura Satz. “What is the difference between hearing and listening? Does sound have consciousness? Can you imagine listening beyond the edge of…

  • Listening and Polyphony – Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art

    Listening and Polyphony – Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art

    The Polish Journal of Aesthetics has published a new issue dedicated to “Listening and Polyphony. Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art”, with 186 pages and contributions of 15 authors. “Listening and Polyphony: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Arts,” a special issue of The Polish Journal of…

  • A Year of Deep Listening

    A Year of Deep Listening

    A Year of Deep Listening is a wonderful idea from the Center of Deep Listening aimed to present 365 Listening scores, one each day, beginning on Pauline Oliveros’ 90th birthday: May 30, 2022. The celebration remembers the invaluable legacy of…