
Bloomsbury has released Geosonics: Listening Through Earth’s Soundscapes by Joshua Dittrich.

How do we listen to the earth? That is the central question posed in Geosonics: Listening Through Earth’s Soundscapes.

Working across sound studies, media theory, and environmental media studies, Joshua Dittrich explores the material and metaphorical geology of the sonic environment. In an epoch of climate crisis, environment is no longer a neutral background, site, or simple “surrounding”: environment is immanently implicated in the chains of mediation that make up the material and imaginative infrastructure of our lives. The analytical task of Geosonics is to tune into that infrastructure through sound. Drawing on influential work in sound studies around the concept of transduction, this book explores how listening does not take place in a pre-existing soundscape, but rather makes place by etching out a mediated, mutually constitutive set of relations between listeners, media, and environments.

Table of Contents

1. From Geosonics to Geosonicks
2. The Sound Beneath Our Feet: Earthquakes and Ear Quakes
3. A Planet Made of Beethoven: Audio-Stretching, Transductive Listening and 24/7 Aesthetics
4. Now You See It… : Hearing Colors and Picturing Soundscapes
5. Sound Asleep: Sleeping, Listening, and the Politics of Nonconscious Experience
6. Listening from Outer Space: Sun Ra’s Reverberant Geology

Paperback/Ebook at Bloomsbury



