
  • Sound Maps in the 21st Century

    Sound Maps in the 21st Century

    Interesting reflection by sound artist John Kannenberg around sound maps and its current possibilities, challenges and meaning. “Sound maps are boring. Why? I would argue it’s because they’ve become stuck in a rut that began when the idea of ‘sound…

  • Salomé Voegelin on silent agency, auditory imagination and the listening avatar

    Salomé Voegelin on silent agency, auditory imagination and the listening avatar

    Interesting article by Salomé Voegelin at four by three magazine, featuring some reflections about the agency of oneself and others in silence, the contemporary processes happening on listening and aspects of auditory imagination, addressing interesting issues and also pointing to some writings of…

  • Bernie Krause on Recording the Sounds of Extinction

    Bernie Krause on Recording the Sounds of Extinction Beautifully produced by Great Big Story, Recording the Sounds of Extinction briefly exposes the ecological situation which is the core of Bernie Krause’s work, who, as you may have previously seen listened, is mainly dedicated to acoustic ecology and field recording of…

  • The Threat to Female Field-Recorders

    The Threat to Female Field-Recorders

    Pitchfork has published an article by Lucy Jones where she explores if women practicing field recording are exposed to certain risks or vulnerability, determining what are the feelings and possibilities during recording situation in different environments. “[…] I wondered whether…

  • infinite grain 12: lawrence english

    infinite grain 12: lawrence english

    [infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] Sound is the soul of every ritual. Listening, rather than…

  • The Disruptive Nature of Listening, by Hildegard Westerkamp

    The Disruptive Nature of Listening, by Hildegard Westerkamp

    Hildegard Westerkamp has published in her site at SFU a transcription of the keynote address at the International Symposium on Electronic Art, held in Vancouver, Canada in August 18 this year. Below is the abstract: A true state of listening cannot…