Calls & Events
Call for Audio Papers: Sound and the More-Than-Human Worlds @ Seismograf
Seismograf Peer is doing an open call for audio papers around the topic of “Sound and the More-Than-Human Worlds”: “As such, we intend a wide range of interpretations as to what the more-than-human is, not limiting the definition to other…
In the Field 2
CRiSAP is organizing a new edition of In the Field conference, dedicated to explore themes, issues and practices around field recording these days. Dates: 4, 5, 6 July 2024. The deadline to purchase tickets is Monday 1 July 23.59 Venue: In person…
Présences électronique 2022
The 17th edition of Présences électronique festival will take place at the legendary Acousmonium of Maison de la Radio et de la Musique, France, between April 15 and 17: …the Présences électronique festival takes us once again into the unheard-of…
Call for Works: Online Sound Art Exhibition @ CRiSAP
Lisa Hall from CRiSAP is curating an online sound art exhibition, calling “for sound works that explore the sonic condition of our cities around the world, interrogating how our urban spaces have been built in sound, and what our sonic…