
  • The Auditory Setting – Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts

    The Auditory Setting – Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts

    The Auditory Setting introduces and investigates how narrative and a sense of place are constructed in film and media arts through the reproduction and mediation of site-specific environmental sounds, or ‘ambience’. Although this sonic backdrop acts as the acoustically mediated…

  • The Nomadic Listener

    The Nomadic Listener

    The Nomadic Listener is an augmented book project developed between 2012 and 2019. Based on the author’s artistic research on migration, contemporary urban experience, and sonic alienation, the book is composed of a series of texts stemming from psychogeographic explorations…

  • Space Is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra

    Space Is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra

    Considered by many to be a founder of Afrofuturism, Sun Ra—aka Herman Blount—was a composer, keyboardist, bandleader, philosopher, entrepreneur, poet, and self-proclaimed extraterrestrial from Saturn. He recorded over 200 albums with his Arkestra, which, dressed in Egypto-space costumes, played everything…

  • The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art

    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art

    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art explores and delineates what Sound Art is in the 21st century. Sound artworks today embody the contemporary and transcultural trends towards the post-apocalyptic, a wide sensorial spectrum of sonic imaginaries as well as the…

  • Bass, Mids, Tops: An Oral History of Sound System Culture

    Bass, Mids, Tops: An Oral History of Sound System Culture

    An oral history of the UK’s soundsystem culture, featuring interviews with Dubmaster Dennis Bovell, Skream, Youth, Norman Jay MBE, Adrian Sherwood, Mala, and others. In the years following the arrival of the Windrush generation, the UK’s soundsystem culture would become…

  • Untitled post 14802

    Future Sounds: The Temporality of Noise Stephen Kennedy What can the sounds of today tell us about the future? Can an analysis of sound and sonic practices allow us to make reliable predictions in relation to wider social phenomena? And…