Ethical and Aesthetic Considerations on Rêvolutions by Céleste Boursier-Mougenot
Introduction Today a growing group of sonic artists engage with plants as collaborators in their processes and creations. The duo Feral Practice invites audience members to sound walks in forests to reflect on ecological and social issues in the vicinity…
Impoder, Vulnerability and Resistance: The Work of María Leguízamo
(Ensayo de Transferencia) Photos courtesy of 45 SNA Sound art researcher Brandon LaBelle suggests that ivisibility operates in the possibility of breaking apart the linguistic structures by detaching the signifier of the sound from its signified. The idea of the…
Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 3
A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what is…