Sound Studies
Bodies of Sound: Becoming a Feminist Ear
Bodies of Sound greatly contribute to sound studies with 220 pages in which dozens of feminist voices speak, encounter, resonate, and radically listen. Edited by Irene Revell and Sarah Shin and to be published November 12th this year by Silver…
Bloomsbury has released Geosonics: Listening Through Earth’s Soundscapes by Joshua Dittrich. How do we listen to the earth? That is the central question posed in Geosonics: Listening Through Earth’s Soundscapes. Working across sound studies, media theory, and environmental media studies,…
Norient City Sounds: Bogotá
Norient has released a new “City Sounds” special, this time dedicated to Bogotá, Colombia. Curated by writer and cultural manager Luisa Fernanda Uribe and developed by a wide collective effort, the wonderful special goes into Bogotá’s layers, spirits, diversity, all…
Sonic Ecologies
Art Laboratory Berlin is glad to launch a new Podcast Channel SONIC ECOLOGIES starting in 2023, supported by the Berlin Senate. The podcast series was conceived by Tuçe Erel, with composition and production by Korhan Erel. Each year the podcast…
Chromaplane: An Electromagnetic Musical Instrument
I was fortunate to experience a Passepartout Duo live and it’s so beautiful to hear and look at. An electro-acoustic performance in which, along with their custom synths, they interact with a mysterious plate that is manipulated electromagnetically to create…