
  • Manrico Montero 1973-2018

    Manrico Montero 1973-2018

    Manrico was unquestionably one of the most influential voices of sound art and experimental music in Mexico and Latin America for almost two decades; he worked and exchanged thoughts and moments with an immense number of people all around the…

  • 2013 in retrospective XIV (350)

    2013 in retrospective XIV (350)

    2013: The year in retrospective. Part XIV -MARIA PAPADOMANOLAKI- Sound composer, writer. Editor at The Field Reporter. Les Sons I’ve learned in 2013 Words, images and sounds Maria Papadomanolaki Part A: London 2013. London, a city, experienced back in 2007-8,…

  • 2013 in retrospective XIII (349)

    2013 in retrospective XIII (349)

    2013: The year in retrospective. Part XI -D’INCISE FERAILLE- Sound composer 2013: a sort of diary. Text and summary by D’Incise Feraille I didn’t feel to make a classical “best of/top xx” of 2013, probably because while thinking about it, and…

  • 2013 in retrospective XII (348)

    2013 in retrospective XII (348)

    2013: The year in retrospective. Part XII -YANN LEGUAY- Sound composer, artist. Drawing by Yann Leguay DOWNLOAD IMAGE [Yann Leguay; photo courtesy of Le kiosque électronique au Centre Pompidou] Yann Leguay website

  • 2013 in retrospective XI (347)

    2013 in retrospective XI (347)

    2013: The year in retrospective. Part XI –FLAVIEN GILLIÉ– Aporee ma mémoire, fragment, ébauche d’un texte à venir. Texte de Flavien Gillié Ecrit ici pour le Field Reporter, sur ce qui m’a marqué en 2013, et me marquera sans doute…

  • 2013 in retrospective X (346)

    2013: The year in retrospective. Part X -DAVID VÉLEZ- Sound composer, artist. Works at Impulsive Habitat. Chief editor at The Field Reporter An introspective perspective Text by David Vélez I Writing about one’s creative work is usually a hard task; to use…