
  • Scott Sherk | Listening to:

    Scott Sherk | Listening to:

    A message from the editor:   Sonic, Social, Distance As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical distancing, quarantine…since those who have the luxury of walls have…

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    Vaccabons et malfactours FRÉDÉRIC NOGRAY -working with recordings by Cédric Peyronnet- (Kaon 2013) Review by David Vélez I There is a strong level of intention in the action of recording environmental sounds. This intention is expressed in aspects like the subject…

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    Sound Atmospheres of the Colombian Orinoquia JOSÉ RICARDO DELGADO FRANCO (Gruenrekorder 2013) Review by Cheryl Tipp For somebody like me, who has never ventured outside of Europe before, the opportunity to sit back and listen to the sounds of tropical…

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    Tannehill Iron Works. DAVID MICHAEL (self release 2010)  Review by Cheryl Tipp Sultry is the first word that comes to mind when listening to David Michael’s ‘Tannehill Iron Works’. There’s an oppressive air hanging over the piece, created by the…

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    Two years ago The Field Reporter published its first article (a review of Load by Signed Liden). 730 days later and 290 articles later we hope that the reviews and editorials published have prompted relevant questions, reflections and ideas in regard…

  • An antidote to indifference

    An antidote to indifference

    An antidote to indifference Field Reporter editor Cheryl Tipp was in charge of the new ‘Caught by the river’ edition ‘An antidote to indifference’ where you can find an article by Jay-Dea Lopez and also words by Chris Whitehead, editors…