
  • Norient City Sounds: Bogotá

    Norient City Sounds: Bogotá

    Norient has released a new “City Sounds” special, this time dedicated to Bogotá, Colombia. Curated by writer and cultural manager Luisa Fernanda Uribe and developed by a wide collective effort, the wonderful special goes into Bogotá’s layers, spirits, diversity, all…

  • Journal of Sonic Studies 25: Ethnographic Rubbish 

    Journal of Sonic Studies 25: Ethnographic Rubbish 

    Journal of Sonic Studies 25 is online, by Guest Co-Editors Jonathan Larcher and Heikki Wilenius and Additional contributors from Ernst Karel, Harsha Menon, Julie Métais, Sandro Simon, and Victor A. Stoichiță. “What can be considered as a discarded recording in an ethnographic…

  • Spectres IV: A Thousand Voices

    Spectres IV: A Thousand Voices

    Fourth volume of these amazing series which address different topics of sonic reality, this time dedicated to the voice. “The voice is everywhere, infiltrating everything, making civilisation, marking out territories with infinite borders, spreading from the farthest reaches to the…

  • The acoustic aesthetics of kitchens: food sounds / cooking and sonic art / interview with Lee Patterson

    The acoustic aesthetics of kitchens: food sounds / cooking and sonic art / interview with Lee Patterson

    Introduction (food sounds) Cooking sounds resonate between the interest they draw in contemporary culture and the neglect in which we have been under-hearing them for many years. It is addressed by Tara Brabazon, a researcher in Cultural Studies, in her…

  • Listening and Polyphony – Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art

    Listening and Polyphony – Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art

    The Polish Journal of Aesthetics has published a new issue dedicated to “Listening and Polyphony. Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art”, with 186 pages and contributions of 15 authors. “Listening and Polyphony: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Arts,” a special issue of The Polish Journal of…

  • Sounding Women’s Work

    Sounding Women’s Work

    Over this year, Seismograf Magazine has published two special issues entirely dedicated to women in sound, called “Focus Sounding Women’s Work”, in which they aim “to put sound to the professional minority of artists who identify as women, […] to…