Scott Sherk | Listening to:
A message from the editor: Sonic, Social, Distance As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical distancing, quarantine…since those who have the luxury of walls have…
CALL FOR WORKS: Sonic, Social, Distance and Soundtracks for Strange Days
In an interview with Digicult, Salomé Voegelin describes, “I understand sound, exactly because of its formless in-between nature”.[1] As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical…
Empty Cities
Vacuamoenia has a new project called Empty Cities, dedicated to explore urban sound during quarantine: Following government directives and to counter the spread of Coronavirus in Italy, each of us has made a commitment not to leave the house and to limit…
Sonic Continuum
Curated by Sofia Lemos and assisted by Ryan Kearney, Sonic Continuum is a programme and research project at Nottingham Contemporary, dedicated to investigate “practices of world-making through sound, both as a force that constitutes the world and a medium for…
THE BIG BANG and what we left behind (or, hearing loss) | Essay by Samuel Hertz
A message from the editor… How time passes, and how time is felt passing, how time is personal and ever changing its costumes and definitions. Within that what is a moment. Within that what is an event. What is shared,…
‘The Political Possibility of Sound’, New Book by Salomé Voegelin
In our interview with Salomé Voegelin some time ago, she seemed very interested in ‘the political possibility of sound’, which is the title of her new book, which is going to be available at Bloomsbury on November 1st. Here’s what…