environmental sound

  • Scott Sherk | Listening to:

    Scott Sherk | Listening to:

    A message from the editor:   Sonic, Social, Distance As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical distancing, quarantine…since those who have the luxury of walls have…

  • Sonic, Social, Distance and Soundtracks for Strange Days, compilation Part 2

    Sonic, Social, Distance and Soundtracks for Strange Days, compilation Part 2

        Sonic, Social, Distance As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical distancing, quarantine…since those who have the luxury of walls have gone behind them–time has…

  • Covid Backyard | Dirk de Bruyn

    Covid Backyard | Dirk de Bruyn

    A message from the editor:   Sonic, Social, Distanc As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical distancing, quarantine…since those who have the luxury of walls have…

  • Empty Cities

    Empty Cities

    Vacuamoenia has a new project called Empty Cities, dedicated to explore urban sound during quarantine: Following government directives and to counter the spread of Coronavirus in Italy, each of us has made a commitment not to leave the house and to limit…

  • Jacob Kirkegaard: Creating Space for Awareness with Sound

    Jacob Kirkegaard: Creating Space for Awareness with Sound

    Charles Shafaieh has published a great interview with Jacob Kirkegaard at National Sawdust Log talking about his sound work on post-mortem environments and ecological issues. Jacob Kirkegaard listens where others don’t. Using accelerometers that detect vibrations instead of more traditional contact…

  • Gathering Silence

    Gathering Silence

    Microphone in hand, I sit inside the old church, Gathering silence. – Haiku written by Ian Joyce The album Gathering Silence by Neil Stringfellow aka Audio Obscura is a beautiful example of the work of London-based label Naviar records: Connecting…