The origins of acoustic communication in vertebrates
Abstract: Acoustic communication is crucial to humans and many other tetrapods, including birds, frogs, crocodilians, and mammals. However, large-scale patterns in its evolution are largely unstudied. Here, we address several fundamental questions about the origins of acoustic communication in terrestrial…
Jungle Dreamscape by Diana Chester
Jungle Dreamscape: A Soundscape, was developed for a collaborative exhibition with Sydney born visual artist Lisa Hoelzl. The installation was installed at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney in October 2018. Lisa created a world of ceramic totems and birds, a…
Bernie Krause on Recording the Sounds of Extinction Beautifully produced by Great Big Story, Recording the Sounds of Extinction briefly exposes the ecological situation which is the core of Bernie Krause’s work, who, as you may have previously seen listened, is mainly dedicated to acoustic ecology and field recording of…
Animal Music: Sound and Song in the Natural World Tobias Fischer & Lara Cory DO ANIMALS SPEAK TO EACH OTHER? WHAT DO THEIR SONGS MEAN? WILL WE EVER BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THEM AND TALK BACK? Ever since the accidental…
Bug Music: How Insects Gave Us Rhythm and Noise David Rothenberg In the spring of 2013 the cicadas in the Northeastern United States will yet again emerge from their seventeen-year cycle―the longest gestation period of any animal. Those who experience…
Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Birdsong David Rothenberg The astonishing richness of birdsong is both an aesthetic and a scientific mystery. Evolutionists have never been able to completely explain why birdsong is so inventive and why…