chihei hatakeyama

  • chihei hatakeyama + federico durand – magical imaginary child

    chihei hatakeyama + federico durand – magical imaginary child

    Listening is pure innocence, detachment, abandonment not of sound but the claim for it. Composing is largely invitation to humility and intuition, showing that what we call spirit is actually pure silence, that which awakens, moves and encourages sound as…

  • sakana hosomi + chihei hatakeyama – frozen silence

    sakana hosomi + chihei hatakeyama – frozen silence

    Sonic worlds establish border relationships within the listener, in which the ears reveal its own limits but also its own possibilities, pointing to the similarity between the sound of reality and the reality of sound. Such phenomenon, makes possible to freeze our…

  • chihei hatakeyama – winter storm

    chihei hatakeyama – winter storm

    It’s fascinating to hear how the ethereal condition of sound is able to reflect the ephemeral and subtle fibers of reality. At some listening states, there’s no matter, no space-time, not even a listener; just pure sound. Chihei Hatakeyama approaches to these ghostly…