micro | macro
As prelude to the exhibition »Infosphere«, the ZKM | Karlsruhe is presenting the large-scale exhibition »micro | macro« by Japanese artist and composer Ryoji Ikeda. The series of works entitled »supersymmetry« and the installation commission by ZKM entitled »the planck…
An installation by an artist who creates elaborate structures and new spatial experiences with light as his central medium. In QUARK, Eiji employs particles that appear like reflective dust, and are typically used in motion graphics. The installation consists of…
bipolar morning
by Ʀinơ Ƥetrozziellͽ ▜▝
Excerpt of the a/v work Morpheme by Electric Indigo (audio) and Thomas Wagensommerer (video), original duration 28 minutes. All sounds are derived from a 9 seconds long audio recording of one phrase: “To let noise into the system is a…
noisy skeleton
“To an artificial mind, all reality is virtual. Noisy skeleton is an immersive and interactive installation that explores the link between sound, space and artificial intelligence. From complete control to accidental reaction, the spectactor is completly surrounded by abstracts visuals…
“Ljós is the translation of the latent elements of dreams into visible contents. The body is the medium through which the connections between light, sound and movement are explored, leading the spectator into an unreal space, rarefied and disorientating.” Live Media…