Dirty Ear, A Research Platform for Contemporary Sound Studies and Sound Art
With six editions already, Dirty Ear Forum is a project of Errant Bodies dedicated to explore sound studies and sound art in contemporary processes, embracing the multiplicity of sound’s practical and theoretical perspectives. “In particular, the project aims…
MEAN TIME: A collaborative sound art project
Mean Time is an interesting collaborative project to happen in Dublin, Ireland, 1st and 2nd October. “Up until the 1st of October 1916 Ireland was on Dublin Mean Time, which was 25 minutes and 21 seconds behind Greenwich Mean Time. On that…
Aki Onda – A Study for “Space Studies” Aki Onda’s sound work is undoubtedly vast and fascinating, from his cassette memories project series, to his audio-visual explorations and those amazing site-specific performances done in collaboration with Akio Suzuki, where both are mostly dedicated to the exploration of sound…
Binaural/Nodar 2015: Playing with the Rural Landscape
Nice documentation of sound art and experimental music artist residencies of Binaural/Nodar project at rural territories in Portugal, hosted in April and October 2015. “After several years hosting projects that worked thematic aspects of the territory that were beforehand proposed to artists…
Dead Plants And Living Objects
Sound questions the dualism of animate and inanimate. Sounds are not mere products of whats alive, but are alive entities as such, although transitory, adualistic and nonlocal. What is dead and what is inanimate, still resonates, thus in terms of sound…
‘Into the Maelstrom: Music, Improvisation and the Dream of Freedom’, New Book by David Toop
It’s always a good day when you find out that David Toop has finished a new book, this time about one topic he has definitely tasted well: improvisation, called Into the Maelstrom: Music, Improvisation and the Dream of Freedom To be…