Call for Audio Papers: Sound and the More-Than-Human Worlds @ Seismograf

Seismograf Peer is doing an open call for audio papers around the topic of “Sound and the More-Than-Human Worlds”:

“As such, we intend a wide range of interpretations as to what the more-than-human is, not limiting the definition to other animals, but embracing all kinds of living and non-living phenomena. A focus on the more-than-human also affords a decentering of the anthropocentric bias of much traditional scholarship. This may entail approaches that include animist beliefs as well as a wide range of artistic practices and research methods.

Proposals may address, but should not be limited to, topics such as:

– listening practices
– inter-species communication
– acoustic ecology and bioacoustics
– animism
– technologies and AI
– mythologies of the more-than-human
– inter-subjective relations with non-human as well as human beings
– psychogeographies
– narratives and art related to climate change and ecosystems
– urban soundscapes
– place-making, including participatory and autoethnographic approaches.

We welcome proposals building on various kinds of knowledge production across the arts and sciences, which may address the role of sound from historical, creative, and socio-cultural perspectives.

Audio papers could build on field-recordings or pre-existing artistic work, such as sound walks, radiophonic art works, audio documentary, site-specific art and installations, in combination with theoretical perspectives, and shall critically and creatively interrogate the boundaries between artistic and academic practices. Proposals may explore the specific epistemologies of sonic as opposed to written forms of presentation. Papers should critically engage, where relevant, with post-colonial and indigenous perspectives related to the more-than-human, opening routes to a decolonization of knowledge.

Deadline for abstracts is October 1st. More info and guidelines at Seismofraf (PDF)



