Author: Maile Colbert
Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 3
A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what is…
Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 2
A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what…
Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 1
A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what…
Particular Sounds That Made A Difference | Essay by Thomas Park
Part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME A message from the editor: In this soundtracked text, we can listen to a past, and experience the soundscape of a home for twelve years, while…