Sonic Continuum
Curated by Sofia Lemos and assisted by Ryan Kearney, Sonic Continuum is a programme and research project at Nottingham Contemporary, dedicated to investigate “practices of world-making through sound, both as a force that constitutes the world and a medium for…
A Manifesto for Care-ful Listening (listening for everything)
Listening Across Disciplines has published a wonderful manifesto result of their Points of Listening public event held at the De La Warr Pavilion. “… we conducted participatory experiments in care-ful listening. Through the workshop process we created collaborative manifestos, guidelines, protocols…
Gathering Silence
Microphone in hand, I sit inside the old church, Gathering silence. – Haiku written by Ian Joyce The album Gathering Silence by Neil Stringfellow aka Audio Obscura is a beautiful example of the work of London-based label Naviar records: Connecting…
Silence and Forest Sentience in Mustarinda, by John Grzinich
Sound artist John Grzinich has published an interesting article on a recent residency he had at Mustarinda. “In October-November 2019 I was fortunate to spend a month experiencing the slow transition between late-Autumn and early-Winter in the forests of central…
The otherwise heard, that I become, by Brandon LaBelle
Vía Swamp Pavilion: Experiences of listening may be understood to weaken us, making us vulnerable to the intensities of worldly contact and each other. Reflecting upon particular modes of listening, from the empathic to the migratory, understandings of sharing and…
THE BIG BANG and what we left behind (or, hearing loss) | Essay by Samuel Hertz
A message from the editor… How time passes, and how time is felt passing, how time is personal and ever changing its costumes and definitions. Within that what is a moment. Within that what is an event. What is shared,…