Call for Abstracts at SoundEffects Journal: Sound and Listening Spaces
SoundEffects Journal, dedicated to sound and sound experience, has a new open call for abstracts for a new issue, this time with a focus “on the listening space that we enter, experience and create.” “Since what has popularly been called…
On Spatial Sound
Directed by Ana Amorós López, On Spatial Sound’ is a 1.5-hour documentary about the workf of the Spatial Sound Institute in Budapest and the ongoing research with 4DSOUND technology. The film connects the personal perspective of artist Ana Amorós López,…
Listening Protocols
Listening Across Disciplines has an interesting research idea at the basis of their project, related to “listening protocols“, which are aimed to “help stablish and legitimize listening as a reliable research methodology across disciplines”. Historically, benefits of listening have been…
Amplifications: Poetic Migration, Auditory Memory Paul Carter Written by one of the most prominent thinkers in sound studies, Amplifications *presents a perspective on sound narrated through the experiences of a sound artist and writer. A work of reflective philosophy, *Amplifications…
Brandon LaBelle: Overheard and Interrupted Brandon LaBelle Compiling works and writings from the last 13 years, this comprehensive monograph on American artist, writer and theorist Brandon LaBelle (born 1969) captures the artist’s expansive practice. Originally from Los Angeles and currently…
Inflamed Invisible: Collected Writings on Art and Sound, 1976-2018 (Goldsmiths Press / Sonics Series (2)) David Toop **A rich collection of essays tracing the relationship between art and sound. **** In the 1970s David Toop became preoccupied with the possibility…