Directed by Ana Amorós López, On Spatial Sound’ is a 1.5-hour documentary about the workf of the Spatial Sound Institute in Budapest and the ongoing research with 4DSOUND technology.
The film connects the personal perspective of artist Ana Amorós López, re-discovering her relation to sound and listening, with 14 different projects that took place as part of the Institute’s Artists Residency Programme throughout 2018. The different protagonists in the film evoke an oscillating conversation about the meaning of sound in our world today – and how 4DSOUND technology can change our perception of sound, and relationship with listening.
With: Paul Oomen, Alyssa Miserendino, Sól Ey, Vanessa Li, Tiernan Cross, Pierre Jolivet, Ákos Nagy, Camille Roth, Rebekka Bohse Meyer, Edo Van Breemen, Kate De Lorme, Lisa Greenaway, Csaba Hajnóczy, Lenke Szilágyi, Eric Raynaud, Filip Ruisl, Gábor Pribék, Lukas Rehm, Lisa Charlotte Friederich, Jim Igor Kallenberg, John Connell