
  • On Spatial Sound

    On Spatial Sound

    Directed by Ana Amorós López, On Spatial Sound’ is a 1.5-hour documentary about the workf of the Spatial Sound Institute in Budapest and the ongoing research with 4DSOUND technology. The film connects the personal perspective of artist Ana Amorós López,…

  • Pauline Oliveros on the Difference Between Hearing and Listening

    Pauline Oliveros on the Difference Between Hearing and Listening

    A new TEDtalk by Pauline Oliveros has been published on YouTube. It’s great, as anything you could expect from her. She talks about the deep listening process, her considerations around whats truly listen and how it reflects on our lives.…

  • Untitled post 15063

    Sensing Sound: Singing and Listening as Vibrational Practice (Sign, Storage, Transmission) Nina Sun Eidsheim In Sensing Sound Nina Sun Eidsheim offers a vibrational theory of music that radically re-envisions how we think about sound, music, and listening. Eidsheim shows how…

  • Untitled post 15069

    Sonic Virtuality: Sound as Emergent Perception Mark Grimshaw & Tom Garner In Sonic Virtuality: Sound as Emergent Perception, authors Mark Grimshaw and Tom Garner introduce a novel theory that positions sound within a framework of virtuality. Arguing against the acoustic…

  • Four New Books: Sonic Virtuality, Listening To War, Sensing Sound, Instruments of New Music

    It’s very interesting to see the production of books about sound growing. In one side, it’s always challenging, difficult and almost impossible to theorize sound, at least in the way other aspects of life are theorized. But on the other hand,…

  • Untitled post 15187

    An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing: Sixth Edition Brian Moore Now available in a sixth edition, An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing is theleading textbook in the field of auditory perception, also known as psychoacoustics. *This title was…