Sonic Acts Festival 2015 – The Geologic Imagination


26 February –1 March 2015, Amsterdam

Sonic Acts announces the first names for the 2015 edition: philosopher Graham Harman, theorists Benjamin Bratton and Timothy Morton, architect and researcher Liam Young, weird fiction writer Jeff Vandermeer and research journalist Alan Weisman, media historian Douglas Kahn, geologist Michael Welland, artists Kurt Hentschläger, BJ Nilsen, Karl Lemieux, Jana Winderen and Raviv Ganchrow; the opening evening at the Stedelijk Museum with Florian Hecker, and concerts by Vessel, M.E.S.H., TCF and TONALIENS – featuring Hilary Jeffrey, Amelia Cuni, Werner Durand, Robin Hayward and Ralf Meinz – and a new commissioned work by Mario de Vega.

Inspired by geosciences, this edition of the Sonic Acts Festival zooms in on planet Earth through the theme The Geologic Imagination. Human activity has irreversibly changed the composition of the atmosphere, the oceans, and even the Earth’s crust. Humanity has become a geological force. The way we see the world, how we understand the systems and processes of nature, and our intentions and interactions with the planet are central to The Geologic Imagination. How do science and art document and portray the changes and transformations that occur on a geological scale? How can we experience these changes and transformations? Sonic Acts invites artists and theorists to tap into their ‘geologic imagination’ and present the images, sounds and ideas that it generates.

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