Bloomsbury has released Geosonics: Listening Through Earth’s Soundscapes by Joshua Dittrich. How do we listen to the earth? That is the central question posed in Geosonics: Listening Through Earth’s Soundscapes. Working across sound studies, media theory, and environmental media studies,…
Sonic Acts – The Geological Imagination, Video Documentation with Talks, Performances, More
Sonic Acts Festival has been uploading some new videos to their YoutTube channel featuring amazing content from their edition on Geological Imagination, including talks, performances, interviews, etc. They are not all of them precisely focused on sound directly but on a…
Soundings from Antarctica
Fantastic broadcast from BBC Radio 4, featuring Chris Watson’s recordings in Antarctica. What strikes most people when they first arrive in Antarctica is the quiet . “It’s so quiet; its the only place in the world that you can actually…