
  • Reflections on Process in Sound – Issue 4

    Reflections on Process in Sound – Issue 4

    Reflections on Process in Sound has released a fourth issue its journal. “This fourth issue presents perspectives from international locations, it includes collaborative viewpoints and hybrid writings manifesting process and reflections about process. Chris Weaver explores the creation of Variations for…

  • Sonic Mmabolela 2015

    Francisco López has announced a new edition of the Sonic Mmabolela project. ‘Sonic Mmabolela’ is a 2-week workshop/residency for professional and semiprofessional sound artists and composers with previous experience in the area of sound experimentation and field recordings. It takes place at…

  • Technical Unconscious, by John Grzinich

    Technical Unconscious, by John Grzinich

    John Grzinich & audio students, FBAUP SINTOMAs e Efeitos Secundários — 2013 | FBAUP, Porto – i2ads.org/sintoma

  • Sonic Acts Festival 2015 – The Geologic Imagination

    26 February –1 March 2015, Amsterdam Sonic Acts announces the first names for the 2015 edition: philosopher Graham Harman, theorists Benjamin Bratton and Timothy Morton, architect and researcher Liam Young, weird fiction writer Jeff Vandermeer and research journalist Alan Weisman,…

  • FoundSounds, New iOS App for Sharing Field Recordings

    FoundSounds, New iOS App for Sharing Field Recordings

    Developer David Jensenius has released a new iOS app called FoundSounds, aimed to work as a network of recordings from around the world. FoundSounds is a unique new mobile app blurring the line between a social network and a collaborative…

  • Exploring Abandoned Soundscapes, An Interview with VacuaMoenia

    Exploring Abandoned Soundscapes, An Interview with VacuaMoenia

    VacuaMoenia is a team dedicated to soundscape exploration and established in Italy by Fabio R. Lattuca and Pietro Bonanno. With the premise of sonically navigating across abandoned places in Sicily, they have been developing a wide variety of interesting practices,…