sonic acts

  • Sonic Acts Podcast

    Sonic Acts Podcast

    Amsterdam-based interdisciplinary arts organisation Sonic Acts is uploading new recordings of presentations, performances, lectures, conversations and more. Available on SoundCloud – Spotify – Apple Podcasts

  • Living Earth, Dark Ecology and the Exit of Toxic Modernity

    Living Earth, Dark Ecology and the Exit of Toxic Modernity

    Based on philosopher Timothy Morton’s idea of Dark Ecology, Sonic Acts team has been collaborating with Norwegian curator Hilde Methi between 2014 and 2016 in a rich exploration of territories aimed to embrace Morton’s idea of “ecology without Nature”,  which points…

  • Sonic Acts Academy

    Sonic Acts Academy

    Sonic Acts has presented its new academic platform, which is developed along with the well-known festival. This new Sonic Acts Academy will take place in various spots in Amsterdam, 26-28 Februrary 2016. “Sonic Acts Academy will highlight artistic engagement as…

  • Sonic Acts Festival 2015 – The Geologic Imagination

    26 February –1 March 2015, Amsterdam Sonic Acts announces the first names for the 2015 edition: philosopher Graham Harman, theorists Benjamin Bratton and Timothy Morton, architect and researcher Liam Young, weird fiction writer Jeff Vandermeer and research journalist Alan Weisman,…