Parallax Special Issue, Call for Papers: Sounding / Thinking

Parallax journalTPAR, published by Routledge is doing an open call for papers to be published in a special issue, dedicated to explore sound studies. Deadline is 31st December 2016. Initial submission of an abstract of 250 words, pointing to essays of 6000 words maximum. More info at Taylor & Francis Group.

“This issue of parallax seeks contributions that will take up the demands made by sound—in all its multifarious forms—upon thinking, and which will let this demand achieve its full contemporary resonance. It calls for sound studies to take up its place in current debates over the nature of theory, such as the possibility of moving beyond the linguistic turn towards a renewed materialism or a reinvigorated speculative philosophy; but it also poses the question of how, in doing so, sound studies may nevertheless ensure that its thinking does not use sonic practices as exemplars, but pursues all the difficulties of trying to think (through/from) them. With this in mind, we welcome contributions on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • sound as an object of thought in relation to critiques of ocularcentrism and/or representation in philosophy and cultural theory
  • the role of the distinction between music and its others (sound, noise, silence) in the formation and development of sound studies
  • the significance of sonic practices for current debates over the linguistic turn, new materialism(s) and speculative realism
  • the genealogy of sound studies in relation to previous attempts to think theoretically or philosophically about sound.”