
  • Listening and Polyphony – Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art

    Listening and Polyphony – Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art

    The Polish Journal of Aesthetics has published a new issue dedicated to “Listening and Polyphony. Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art”, with 186 pages and contributions of 15 authors. “Listening and Polyphony: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Arts,” a special issue of The Polish Journal of…

  • Sound Studies Journal, Vol 6, Issue 1

    Sound Studies Journal, Vol 6, Issue 1

    Sound Studies Journal has published its first issue of 2020, this time dedicated to explore “the vibrational materiality of sound and its status as an epistemological object”, as explained by Veit Erlmann from the University of Texas at Austin: “The…

  • Call for Abstracts at SoundEffects Journal: Sound and Listening Spaces

    Call for Abstracts at SoundEffects Journal: Sound and Listening Spaces

    SoundEffects Journal, dedicated to sound and sound experience, has a new open call for abstracts for a new issue, this time with a focus “on the listening space that we enter, experience and create.” “Since what has popularly been called…

  • Journal of Sonic Studies, 15th Issue

    Journal of Sonic Studies, 15th Issue

    The 15th issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies is now online, with no central theme but in a way selected to “discuss the ways in which sound is used and experienced in culture, both present and past.” Contents Editorial:…

  • Reflections on Process in Sound, Fifth Issue Now Available

    Reflections on Process in Sound, Fifth Issue Now Available

    There is a wonderful new issue of Reflections on Process in Sound, featuring fresh and deep ideas towards sound and listening. “This current edition of Reflections on Process in Sound, amazingly, is the fifth issue since 2012, when I started the…

  • Journal of Sonic Studies 14 Now Online

    Journal of Sonic Studies 14 Now Online

    The 14th issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies is online for free reading. “Although many JSS issues are thematically organized, often with the help and under the responsibility of a guest editor and established without a public call for submissions, we deem…