
Journal of Sonic Studies 14 Now Online

The 14th issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies is online for free reading.

“Although many JSS issues are thematically organized, often with the help and under the responsibility of a guest editor and established without a public call for submissions, we deem it important to publish non-thematic issues every now and then in order to pay close attention to the current state of sound studies affairs. From the very beginning it has also been our aim to provide a platform for scholars and artists who are in the early stages of their (academic and/or artistic) careers. Besides, we have and will continue to attempt to create space for sound studies not primarily rooted in the humanities or social sciences in order to further inter- and transdisciplinary discussion.Against this background, we proudly present JSS 14, containing eight freshly-baked essays from Australia, the UK, the US, and Indonesia. Together they give an overview of how discussions within the domain of sound studies simultaneously affect several other disciplines and discourses.”
