
Seaworthy on Field Recording for “Wood, Winter, Hollow”


Cameron Webb is an ecological researcher who also creates some great music under the name of Seaworthy, using mostly field recordings. He has published an interesting article at his blog, talking about his process on listening and recording, specially talking about his most recent work called “Wood, Winter, Hollow”, a collaboration with artist Taylor Deupree and published in the 12k label.

I normally only post about my mosquito/medical entomology related activities but sinceWorld Listening Day 2013 is just around the corner, i thought I’d post about one of my hobbies, sound recording. Over the last 10 years or so I’ve had the opportunity to turn my love of environmental sound recording into a (mostly) self supporting hobby through the release of records under the name Seaworthy.

I wish I had the time to devote to studying the more academic aspects of acoustic ecology. Perhaps in the years to come, when I have more spare time, I’ll be able to delve into this pursuit. I will have more spare time in the future right? For now, I thought I’d write a short piece on the background to a recently released album, “Wood, Winter, Hollow”. Although not a purely an album of field recording, many of the sound sources were recorded in the local environment.

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Seaworthy @ Bandcamp | Soundcloud

Album at 12k