
  • infinite grain 13: taylor deupree

    infinite grain 13: taylor deupree

    [infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] It would be hard to draw a strong frontier between…

  • twine


    Taylor Deupree and Marcus Fischer created their expansive debut In A Place Of Such Graceful Shapes (12k2021, 2011) over four days in a frigid, snow-covered New York only a few short months after they met. Since then they have toured…

  • steinbrüchel – parallel landscapes

    steinbrüchel – parallel landscapes

    microsound is like weaving texture from its basic corpuscles, as steinbrüchel sonically (and visually) reveals in this beautiful fantasy, drawn in a meticulous way that “highlights a profundity to listening that only arrives with consideration and contemplation, moreover in time”, as Lawrence English writes in…

  • pjusk – solstøv

    pjusk – solstøv

    …And the sound got vanished and frozen, went back and forth. Detention: where is the sound? There’s an activity around nowhere, like one finding listening in a remote cave of shimmering structures where time is dilated, dissolved and redefined. Solstøv is…

  • illuha – akari

    illuha – akari

    To talk about harmony in works such as this wonderful album by Illuha, is to talk about the conjunction of not only beautifully assembled sound fragments, but also stirring spaces, emotive paths, and fluids capable of exposing a very unique way of unity.…

  • Exclusive Interview with Simon Scott

    Exclusive Interview with Simon Scott

    Simon Scott is a musician working mainly in the field of electroacoustic and soundscape composition. Although he started working mainly with musical instruments, he also has done an extensive use of field recording, exploring sonic forms in a very interesting…