taylor deupree

  • infinite grain 13: taylor deupree

    infinite grain 13: taylor deupree

    [infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] It would be hard to draw a strong frontier between…

  • twine


    Taylor Deupree and Marcus Fischer created their expansive debut In A Place Of Such Graceful Shapes (12k2021, 2011) over four days in a frigid, snow-covered New York only a few short months after they met. Since then they have toured…

  • kualauk table – live at komyoji

    kualauk table’s release including four live performances done at komyoji temple in japan, by: 1. Tetsuro Yasunaga + Melodia 2. Ken Ikeda + Sawako 3. Toshimaru Nakamura + Tetuzi Akiyama 4. Stephan Mathieu + Taylor Deupree + Federico Durand +…

  • stephan mathieu + taylor deupree + federico durand + illuha 2014 japan tour

    stephan mathieu + taylor deupree + federico durand + illuha 2014 japan tour

  • taylor deupree – lost & compiled

    taylor deupree – lost & compiled

    We could say Deupree’s work is delicate, soft, intimate and peaceful, but his sonic textures are so rich and diverse that any kind of category doesn’t truly apply. It’s just sound, (im)perfectly chosen sound, something evident in his latest album “Lost &…

  • Seaworthy on Field Recording for “Wood, Winter, Hollow”

    Seaworthy on Field Recording for “Wood, Winter, Hollow”

    Cameron Webb is an ecological researcher who also creates some great music under the name of Seaworthy, using mostly field recordings. He has published an interesting article at his blog, talking about his process on listening and recording, specially talking…