
  • Call for Works: Online Sound Art Exhibition @ CRiSAP

    Call for Works: Online Sound Art Exhibition @ CRiSAP

    Lisa Hall from CRiSAP is curating an online sound art exhibition, calling “for sound works that explore the sonic condition of our cities around the world, interrogating how our urban spaces have been built in sound, and what our sonic…

  • Empty Cities

    Empty Cities

    Vacuamoenia has a new project called Empty Cities, dedicated to explore urban sound during quarantine: Following government directives and to counter the spread of Coronavirus in Italy, each of us has made a commitment not to leave the house and to limit…

  • ISSTA 2018: Who’s Listening? Sound and public Space, Open Call

    ISSTA 2018: Who’s Listening? Sound and public Space, Open Call

    Open call for Irish Sound, Science and Technology Association annual conference 2018 is now open. Will take place at Ulster University, Magee campus, Derry, Northern Ireland, November 9th and 10th 2018.  Keynotes:   Dr Salomé Voegelin (Listening Across Disciplines group, author of Listening to…

  • Sonic Mmabolela 2018, directed by Francisco López

    Sonic Mmabolela 2018, directed by Francisco López

    Registration for the 6th edition of Mmabolela annual workshop/residency for sound artists & composers, directed by Francisco López and coordinated by Barbara Ellison, at Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa. ‘Sonic Mmabolela’ is a 2-week workshop/residency for professional and semiprofessional sound artists and…

  • CALL FOR WORK: Wayback Sound Machine, a constellation of sounding time

    CALL FOR WORK: Wayback Sound Machine, a constellation of sounding time

      Wayback Sound Machine: a constellation of sounding time, is an ongoing series that will be published right here on Sonic Field throughout 2018.   series abstract: What can we gather from sounding the past? And with that in mind, what is…

  • Sound Maps For The Dreamer II – Open Call

    Sound Maps For The Dreamer II – Open Call

    Sonospace is doing an open call for a second release of “sound maps for the dreamer” series. “Maps have always been a fascinating way to pass the time as well as a useful tool for navigating a territory. The digital…