Calls for Recordings: Wildlife Exhibit, Sacred Spaces, Innerscape

There are some calls for field recordings you might be interested to participate in:

One is at Sonospace, for Wildlife Field Recording Exhibition 2016. It will be launched in December and presented in an interactive installation in Lisbon, Portugal. Deadline is December 17, 2016.

“All of the sounds selected will feature in the Sonospace digital sound archive and a select few will be released in our shop with all profits being donated to the registered World Wildlife Fund charity.

We will only consider sounds connected with the natural environment. Any recordings featuring man made sounds will not be considered. While our focus is on the wildlife of our planet, interesting ambient recording of natural soundscapes will also be considered for selection.”

Guidelines and details at Sonospace.


Another call currently open is Sacred Places at Cities and Memory, for a new project “which collects and reimagines the sounds of spiritual and religious locations to examine the essential role sound has played in our spiritual lives for thousands of years.”

Deadline is December 5, 2016. More info and guidelines at Cities and Memory.


And last but not least, one you probably already know: Innerscape, in which “sound artists, musicians and listeners are invited to submit works that represent the inner form of matter encouraging the production of compositions that highlight imperceptible soundscapes to the naked ear.”

Deadline is December 31, 2016. More info at our post.