“The Acoustic City”, New Book Edited by Matthew Gandy & BJNilsen

acousticcity“The Acoustic City, 208 page Book + 22 track CD. Edited by Matthew Gandy & BJNilsen and published by Jovis.

The acoustic city consists of a series of cutting-edge essays on sound and the city accompanied by a specially commissioned CD. The book comprises five thematic sections: urban soundscapes with an emphasis on the distinctiveness of the urban acoustic realm; acoustic flânerie and the recording of sonic environments; sound cultures arising from specific associations between music, place, and sound; acoustic ecologies including relationships between architecture, sound, and urban design; and the politics of noise extending to different instances of anxiety or conflict over sound. This innovative essay collection will be of interest to a wide range of disciplines including architecture, cultural studies, geography, musicology, and urban sociology. CD includes contributions from Félix Blume, Ekkehard Ehlers, Yui Onodera, Schneider TM and many other artists.

How does sound shape urban life? What do soundscapes reveal about the experience of modernity? This innovative essay collection explores a series of critical themes including the diversity of urban soundscapes; acoustic flânerie and different ways of listening to the city; the emergence of specific associations between place, music, and sound; and the acoustic ecology of architecture, landscape and urban design. The collection and accompanying CD will be of interest to a wide range of disciplines including architecture, cultural studies, geography, musicology, and urban sociology.

More info: Jovis | Touch (you can also read some sample pages)


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