
  • Jordan Lacey: Some thoughts on the contemporary Urban-Nature Division

    Jordan Lacey: Some thoughts on the contemporary Urban-Nature Division

    A note from the editor, on Sonic, Social, Distance: In an interview with Digicult, Salomé Voegelin describes, “I understand sound, exactly because of its formless in-between nature”.[1] As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into…

  • Call for Works: Online Sound Art Exhibition @ CRiSAP

    Call for Works: Online Sound Art Exhibition @ CRiSAP

    Lisa Hall from CRiSAP is curating an online sound art exhibition, calling “for sound works that explore the sonic condition of our cities around the world, interrogating how our urban spaces have been built in sound, and what our sonic…

  • Urban Auscultation: Perceiving the Action of the Heart

    Urban Auscultation: Perceiving the Action of the Heart

    New article by Shannon Mattern at Places Journal on urban soundscape and the importance of listening to the city nowadays. “For months, the Covid-19 virus has passed from body to body around the world. Its corporeal work is silent, but…

  • Chris Watson on the Spirit of Places

    Chris Watson on the Spirit of Places

    Two-part interview with Chris Watson, as part of the release of a new digital instrument by Soniccouture, called Haunted Spaces and based in 128 field recordings of the artist, who got them over the years in different places, which are…

  • The Listening Observatory

    The Listening Observatory

    José Luis Espejo and Mikel R. Nieto, both from the great mediateletipos network, have developed a new promising project called The Listening Observatory, aimed to explore listening in diverse perspectives, mainly through events and research activities. “The Listening Observatory is a project about the relationship…

  • The Sound of City: Milan

    The Sound of City: Milan

    https://vimeo.com/162342149 Italian sound artist and composer Chiara Luzzana has been working on a project called The Sound Of City, whose goal is to explore and capture the sounds of cities and then turn them into soundtracks, mixing electronic music and…