
  • Takanobu Hoshino – Untitled

    Takanobu Hoshino – Untitled

    At one time Japanese sound artist Takanobu Hoshino’s art was seemingly concerned with the crackling Geiger counter air of his home city Fukushima. The ubiquitous residual glint of radioactivity permeated his creations, for example the CD ‘Fukushima’, a collaboration with Roel Meelkop,…

  • World Listening Day 2015 H2O – Sonic Terrain Compilation

    We have made it again! Thanks to all participants! we have another amazing compilation created by our community around the world. Let’s not speak too much and just listen… Have a happy #wld2015! (and as a friend told me once, remember that “all days…

  • World Listening Day 2015: Call for Compositions

    So, the World Listening Day 2015 is happening in one month exactly, on July 18th, with an special topic: water. Following the tradition we initiated 2 years ago, an new call for recordings opens, this time searching for something different…

  • implosion chamber

    implosion chamber

    High frequency sound waves propagate through a water-filled cylinder, prompting naturally diffused air bubbles to implode. While tracing the motion imparted by sound waves, these implosions are accompanied by shock waves, jet formations, temperatures as high as are found on…

  • The Mamori Expedition – Els Viaene

    The Mamori Expedition – Els Viaene

    A wooden installation replicates the path that artist Els Viaene followed during an expedition through the Brazilian Amazon forest in 2009. With her she took a device to record sounds and a GPS to register her journey. The three wooden…

  • If a glacier melts on a mountain, does anyone hear it?

    If a glacier melts on a mountain, does anyone hear it?

    Nice field report by Gustavo Valdivia and Tomás Tello on their trip to a large glacier high in the Andes. In June 2014 the two of us—an anthropologist and an experimental musician, both from Peru– visited Quelccaya, a large glacier high…