
World Listening Day 2015: Call for Compositions


So, the World Listening Day 2015 is happening in one month exactly, on July 18th, with an special topic: water.

Following the tradition we initiated 2 years ago, an new call for recordings opens, this time searching for something different than the last years. This year, the call is not for raw recordings, but for soundscape compositions in which you actually articulate several raw recordings.


  • Create a composition based on field recordings of several sounds result of any kind of water sources. Be free to use and alter the sounds of water in the way you want, but don’t use field recordings from other kind of sources. The important thing here is the sonic terrain you can offer through your field recordings, so not musical instruments are allowed, only water field recordings you can edit and compose.
  • Composition duration can be from 3 to 30 min. Time is extended this year so you have more space for combining your recordings and exposing your own narrative.
  • The criteria for releasing pieces will be not only the way each composition reflects on the water that is heard through the sounds, but the sound of water itself, its concrete, invisible, non-referential exposure. This compilation is interested on listening to how you interact with that sonic matter that is generated by water sources, whether if you’re ecologically-minded or not.
  • Format will be 44.1k/24b WAV minimum (48k is also good). The piece you send shouldn’t have been published in any medium.
  • You need to send: wav piece + txt file (with artist name, piece name, notes about the piece and a link to website or social network). Also attach water pictures if you like (they could be used for compilation’s artwork). Send to: sonicterrain[at]gmail[dot]com; preferring through wetransfer, dropbox, drive, etc.
  • Deadline: July 16th. CLOSED
  • Compilation will be published during WLD2015.

Have good fun and let’s create another great compilation for this year!!