
  • The Mamori Expedition – Els Viaene

    The Mamori Expedition – Els Viaene

    A wooden installation replicates the path that artist Els Viaene followed during an expedition through the Brazilian Amazon forest in 2009. With her she took a device to record sounds and a GPS to register her journey. The three wooden…

  • Underwater Surround: Canon Crackers of the Pistol Shrimp

    Underwater Surround: Canon Crackers of the Pistol Shrimp

    Canon Crackers of the pistol shrimp from Ambient Recording on Vimeo. Is the underwater world a silent world? No, the depths of the sea are as full of exciting sounds and voices as any other habitat rich with species. However,…

  • Sounds from Yosemite’s Frozen Lake

    Sounds from Yosemite’s Frozen Lake

    Composer Cheryl E Leonard, who you may remember from the great interview Nathan had with her here at Sonic Terrain, has published a very interesting post about the sounds she captured at Yosemite’s frozen lake, including some ambiences and also…

  • Intuitive Recording: An Exclusive Interview with Jez riley French

    Intuitive Recording: An Exclusive Interview with Jez riley French

    Jez riley French is a composer, musician and artist from East Yorkshire, UK. For the past three decades he has published, performed and exhibited his work on a wide variety of places around the world, including France, Austria, Japan, Corea,…

  • Sounds of the London Wetland Centre

    Sounds of the London Wetland Centre

    It’s good to hear news about Chris Watson’s new sound installation which is about recreating the sounds of the London Wetland Centre (recorded through hydrophones under water) in a three dimensional listening space. It’s definitely something to look out for…

  • Under the Ice, Sounds of Whales and Seals

    Under the Ice, Sounds of Whales and Seals

    Delightful soundscape under the ice in the Arctic created by the sounds of whales and seals, captured by oceanographer Kate Stanfford using a hydrophone. You can look across a vast expanse of ice, all white and blue and cold, and…