
  • World Listening Day 2015 H2O – Sonic Terrain Compilation

    We have made it again! Thanks to all participants! we have another amazing compilation created by our community around the world. Let’s not speak too much and just listen… Have a happy #wld2015! (and as a friend told me once, remember that “all days…

  • World Listening Day 2015: Call for Compositions

    So, the World Listening Day 2015 is happening in one month exactly, on July 18th, with an special topic: water. Following the tradition we initiated 2 years ago, an new call for recordings opens, this time searching for something different…

  • Framework Seasonal #7 – Winter 2014

    Framework Seasonal #7 – Winter 2014

    Framework Radio has released a new issue of their Framework Seasonal editions: #7 – winter 2014. #7 is another superb compilation of previously unreleased sounds by artists working in the field recording community. this selection features new names as well as…

  • Call for Recordings – World Listening Day 2014

    Call for Recordings – World Listening Day 2014

    Yes, almost a year has already passed since our last call for recordings, during the World Listening Day 2013. This time there will be more time for you to record and send something for a collective release. As the previous…

  • f901 m04 – france jobin


  • Green Field Recordings – World Listening Day 2013

    Green Field Recordings – World Listening Day 2013

    As usual since 2010, the year that celebrated the first World Day of Listening, the Portuguese netlabel dedicated to the world of field recording – Green Field Recordings – has invited artists from their catalog, and others who want to join to celebrate the July 18th through special editions. So it was with the first collection VA – The Sound Collector, World Listening Day 2010/2011, with the 2012 edition and now with the launch of this…