Suoni dal Confine #1 – Venice

“Suoni dal confine” a new project curated by Leandro Pisano wants to describe those transformations and transitions that traditional soundscape has gone through in the last years. In order to do that we merge together different level of arts (live performances, installations, talks and conference) and we move away from a simplistic and nostalgic interpretation of the soundscape itself. By reading the boundaries of a territory, we focus more on its acoustic symbology, considering it not anymore as a de-limited element but rather as an interaction and a system of relationships among ever shifting part: “border areas are spaces of dynamism, of conflict, of contradiction and mediation in which the apparent incoherence and extraneousness of certain sounds become the peculiar novelty” (Enrico Coniglio).

“Suoni dal confine” comes into being with an event at Spazio Thetis (Fondazione Thetis) in Venezia, on 20th of May 2011, featuring Enrico Coniglio and Yasuhiro Morinaga. An Ufficio Bifolco production. This movie was produced during 2011 by Ufficio Bifolco ( Film editing, camera work and postproduction: Antonello Carbone. Subtitles ENG/ITA: Anna Palmer


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