
  • R. Murray Schafer: “I have never seen a sound”

    R. Murray Schafer: “I have never seen a sound”

    Inspiring talk by R. Murray Schafer on the World Forum of Acustic Ecology at the Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico (2009). The audio starts in Spanish but Murray’s conference is in English (starting at 4:30). Listen here. Via @tesladream

  • Listen


    “A soundscape is any collection of sounds, almost like a painting is a collection of visual attractions,” says composer R. Murray Schafer. “When you listen carefully to the soundscape it becomes quite miraculous.” David New’s portrait of the renowned composer becomes…

  • An Interview with Hildegard Westerkamp

    An Interview with Hildegard Westerkamp

    Hildegard Westerkamp is a composer, radio artist and sound ecologist. 
She is a pioneering figure within the field of soundscape studies and sound ecology and an integral member of the World Soundscape Project. She presents soundscape workshops, performs, writes and…

  • Stephen Vitiello – Listening with Intent

    Stephen Vitiello – Listening with Intent

    I came across this post of Earth | Ear with an inspiring (30min long) video about the work of sound artist and musician Stephen Vitiello and his sound installation “The Sound of Red Earth“. Installed in the historic former Brickworks…

  • Recording of the Week: Yo-Yo by Mike Niederquell

    Recording of the Week: Yo-Yo by Mike Niederquell

    Mike Niederquell is a sound designer working at High Moon Studios, developers of “Transformers: War for Cybertron” video game. Mike also runs a very cool site (totally recommended for any sound geek) called The Sonic Spread, where he talks about…