Recording of the Week: Yo-Yo by Mike Niederquell

Mike Niederquell is a sound designer working at High Moon Studios, developers of “Transformers: War for Cybertron” video game. Mike also runs a very cool site (totally recommended for any sound geek) called The Sonic Spread, where he talks about several audo related things, including recording, sound design, music production, and more.

Mike has an interesting series on the blog, called Monday Night Listen. Each monday, Mike do a very cool exercise: He showcases a sound, without saying you what sound is. You just listen and try to guess the sound. Then you can see an image of it, and see if you were right. It’s a fantastic way to train your skills and find cool features in a particular sound.

In the last installment of the series Mike posted a really cool sound, that we were thinking was a motor… surprise! It’s a Yo-Yo! Let’s listen:

Mike recorded the Yo-Yo using a Shure SM57 into an Avalon 2022 preamplifier and a Digi 192 IO recording interface.


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