
Sound Studies Journal Special Issue: Sonic Skills in Cultural Contexts

rfso20-v002-i01-coverDuring the last three months, Sound Studies Interdisciplinary Journal has been publishing some articles of their Volume 2, an special issue on Sonic Skills in Cultural Contexts: Theories, Practices and Materialities of Listening, edited by Joeri Bruyninckx and Alexandra Supper.

It can be read and download openly at Taylor & Francis, where other recent articles have been added recently.


Guest Editorial

  • Sonic skills in cultural contexts: theories, practices and materialities of listening
    Joeri Bruyninckx & Alexandra Supper


  • Sounds inside: prison, prisoners and acoustical agency
    Tom Rice
  • A sounding monument: how a new organ became old
    Peter Peters & Darryl Cressman
  • “Bring on Sector Two!” The sounds of bent and broken circuits
    Trevor Pinch
  • Museums of sound: audio bird guides and the pleasures of knowledge
    Rachel Mundy
  • Lobbying for the ear, listening with the whole body: the (anti-)visual culture of sonification
    Alexandra Supper

Book Reviews

  • Vocality at the crossroads of disciplines: Cathy Berberian’s pioneering work
    Konstantinos Thomaidis
  • Dissonant discourses
    Peter Krapp
  • Experimentalism materialised and dematerialised
    Ryan Dohoney
  • Ethnomusicology and the refusal of mastery
    Chris Tonelli

Sound Reviews

  • Silent by design? Tesla’s Model S and the discourse on electric vehicle sound
    Stefan Krebs
  • Chicago house music, from dance floor to museum: the Frankie Knuckles Vinyl Collection
    Maria Perevedentseva & Luis-Manuel Garcia
  • The Roaring Twenties online
    Daniel Morat
  • Adventures in sonic publishing: Provoke! Digital Sound Studies
    Felix Gerloff
  • Europeana Sounds: an interface into European sound archives
    Ricarda Franzen