
Sonic Field Now Also In Spanish, Plus New Design, Instagram, More

Picture: Rossana Uribe

In the past weeks we have been working in several changes in Sonic Field, changing the site’s structure for a deeper and cleaner exploration of themes and content. In the last months many new concepts, theories, ideas, tendencies, data have arrived, gradually opening new possibilities for the study and art of sound/listening, therefore challenging our way of operating towards our future projections.

Part of these changes include something that has been wandering our minds since Sonic Field started: To make a Spanish version so we can have content in parallel and also feature sound art / studies data from Spanish speaking countries. Specially for Latinamerica, we think this is an important step, as it has been always our need. A site created in Colombia, not having a Spanish version? No way. But it needed to wait for the right moment, which is this one. Bienvenidos a Sonic Field en Español.

We have implemented a bilingual structure which allows to have one language only articles as well as bilingual posts, translated by our editors and collaborators. On social networks, each site features its pages, so you can find Sonic Field in Spanish at Facebook and Twitter.

Another update: we finally have an Instagram. Why not to sound in pictures… Follow us at @sonic_field

And last but not least: you will notice we have been implementing an ad system which we hope to be optimizing in the next days. We hope it will not be annoying, but it’s needed giving the costs of server, domains, etc.