Journal of Sonic Studies 8 – Sounds of Space


A new special issue of the great Journal of Sonic Studies has been published, dedicated to “sounds of space”.

We are delighted to announce the publication of the Journal of Sonic Studies special issue on Sounds of Space. Two years ago, to the day, scholars, artists, and musicians convened at the Freie Universität Berlin to participate in a two-day international workshop on Sounds of Space. In many respects, the event constituted a venture into an under-researched topic, which was curious given that sounds of space have been documented, studied, and discussed since antiquity and experienced across a diverse array of sonic and audiovisual media. Following the success of the workshop, organizer William R. Macauley was invited to edit a special issue of JSS comprised of articles based on a selection of papers from the workshop. At long last, we cordially invite you to visit the JSS website to read and hear the finely crafted collection produced by leading scholars actively engaged in research on sonic dimensions of space. As an added bonus we have included an interview with historian and theorist of the media arts Douglas Kahn, and an exclusive opportunity to experience Karl-Birger Blomdahl’s remarkable experimental film Altisonans. Hailing frequencies are open.


Link to issue 8


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