ISSTA 2017 — Sound-makers: Technologies, practices and cultures, Open Call

The Irish Sound, Science and Technology Association (ISSTA) has opened a call for papers and works for the upcoming 2017 edition of their annual event, which will take place at Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland, between 7th-8th, 2017, under the topic of Sound-makers: technologies, practices and cultures. Deadline is Monday 3rd April.

“Creative audio and visual practices are increasingly moving from the digital sphere into the ‘real’ world––moving from bits to atoms (Ishii and Ullmer, 1997)––as physical computing technologies continue to become more widely affordable and accessible. Custom–made and repurposed controllers, gestural interfaces and intentionally hackable or reconfigurable instruments now support the creation and control of music and audio-visual media outside the mouse and keyboard paradigm and beyond normative models based on previously–established practices.

These technologies are increasingly being championed by grassroots movements which are driven by the designers, makers and creators who build and use them. Maker groups, festivals and social spaces––frequently more diverse and inclusive than established communities within academia and industrial R&D––have emerged to engage new creators and audiences through music, visual and sound art performances. Spanning disciplines such as controllerism, modular synthesis, interface design, circuit bending and live sound art, many practitioners and researchers are increasingly looking beyond code, bringing, integrating sensors and soldering within their classroom, stage and studio practices.”

More info at the official site.