
A Field Recording Gear List, Based on Interviews with 26 Recordists


Paul Virostek has been doing a very nice interview series at his site Creative Field Recording, talking with several field recordists, mostly about the gear they use and their processes, techniques, etc.  There’s also another two posts from there: a roundup post comparing and relating their setups, which constitutes a nice overview of choices when going to the field, and also an interesting list of suggestions of field recording gear.

“My goal for this series to build a resource for the community to learn from the experience of sound pros capturing field recordings right now. Of course, it’s impossible to mention every field recordist working today. I’d like this resource to be a running list, with the intent of adding more to it over time. If I missed you, and you have thoughts you’d like to share, please let me know.”

A Month of Field Recordists – Gear Profiles