
Welcome to the Invisible Valley

As part of the World Listening Day 2011 I’m launching a project I’ve been developing since the last year.

It’s called Invisible Valley and aims to explore the sonic world of Aburra Valley, located in Antioquia, Colombia. Our culture, the way we’ve built the cities over the natural place, our celebrations and daily movements. Everything carry a sound signature with it, a story that can’t be seen, but heard. We just decided explore it, capture it and show it to the world.

The vast valley of sounds will be showcased in different ways: using a journal-blog, plus a sound map and soundscape compositions from specific places and things we find on the valley. The first release will be available on July 28. The journal and the map are already active on the site and will be constantly updated with recordings and videos (plan for the rest if the day is to listen and upload sounds to the map).

This part of the continent is very unexplored sonically, so I’m very excited to see what kind of things I’ll find in the adventure. Although we already have changed so much of the natural environment, the valley still preserve a lot of its natural essence, generating a juxtaposition with the modern human world. The result is a complex and interesting sonic environment that expresses itself.

Invisible Valley was co-founded with a close friend of mine who is dedicated to photography and does all the photos/videos of the project, which we approach in a collaborative way.

More info at Invisible Valley